Parish Council Procedures
Parish Councils have powers to represent and support their local communities. They protect local environments and provide local services and facilities. Many of the decisions involve public money therefore it is essential that the council’s business is conducted in a correct and transparent manner.
To achieve transparency, confidence and legal decision-making, there are rules for conducting business, established in law and good practice. Procedures which:
- help the council to act in a legal and consistent manner;
- protect the Council from making unlawful decisions;
- support good chairmanship;
- guide councillors.
Standing Orders represent agreement among councillors and help the Chairman manage the meetings and prevent disagreement over how to conduct business. Standing Orders are regularly reviewed by the Parish Council, and updated when appropriate.
Financial Regulations govern the conduct of financial management by the council and set out how the council meets its responsibilities. Like Standing Orders they are regularly reviewed and updated.
Freedom of Information as required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the Parish Council has adopted a model scheme approved by the Information Commissioner.
The Parish Council may also adopt other procedures which assist in carrying out its functions.
Our procedures and related documents
(please click on the links below for more information)
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