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Welcome to our website

Website for Feckenham Parish Council

Welcome to Feckenham Parish Council’s website, your convenient point of reference for all that’s going on at the Parish Council and within our community.

As well as giving easy access to the dates of council meetings, minutes, agendas and so on, we provide links to the District and County Council websites for access to the wealth of information to be found there. You’ll also find links and information relating to the many village organisations serving our community and we also have online current and past editions of the Parish magazine “Feckenham News”.

All our councillors live in the Parish and understand local issues. Your council is working on your behalf to improve both life and the environment in the Parish and maintain its character and nature.

We hope you find the website useful and that you’ll visit regularly to get the latest information and updates. The contact form is the easiest way to get in touch with us and raise any issues you may have. These messages go through to our Parish Clerk who will then forward it on to the relevant Councillor or answer your enquiry direct. We want to develop this site to be a useful portal for the community, so please let us know what else you would like to see here.

We are concerned that everyone should be able to access everything on this website and that it conforms to the highest accessibility standards. Please click on the accessibility symbol on the bottom left of the screen to access tools which may assist you. Some older documents and material supplied by other organisations may not conform to the same accessibility standards.

Scenic rural landscapes are important to the council and the communities

Next Parish Council Meetings

Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm 13th February will be held on Thursday 13th February, 2025 at 7:30 PM

This meeting will be held at Feckenham Village Hall. Members of the public are welcome to attend; please see the agenda for more details.

Subscribe for Updates

By entering your email address you are happy for Feckenham Parish Council to store your information and use it to send council updates to your inbox. Please view our Privacy Policy.


The Parish Council will, of course, be glad to help you with any issues but we suggest you use these links to report common problems:

Latest News

Resignation of Cllr Pat Dormer

Resignation of Cllr Pat Dormer

Casual vacancy for councillor - (N1) notification form - revised…