The Parish Council is made of 7 elected members who represent the views of local people in the parish of Feckenham.
Councillors give their time and expertise freely to consider planning applications and day-to-day issues as they arise, they get involved in specific projects, and they act as advocates on community matters. Councillors are all volunteers and receive no payment for their service.
Parish Councillors are elected for a four-year term of office by the parishioners of Feckenham. The next election is due to be held in May 2023. The eligibility requirements to stand for election as a Parish Councillor include living or working in the parish.
The Parish Council plays a vital part in representing the interests of the community and improving the quality of life and local environment. It can influence other decision makers and can, in many cases, deliver services to meet local needs.
Tasks which the Parish Council undertake include providing a local view on crime, community safety, planning applications, highways and transportation, housing, litter, public spaces, recreation and public rights of way. The Council has no decision-making powers with regard to planning applications but is legally entitled to be invited to comment by the local planning authority (Redditch Borough Council).
The Parish Council does not have responsibility for maintaining highways, pavements, grass verges, streetlights and drains. These are maintained by Worcestershire County Council.
The Parish Council raises money by the Precept (paid as part of Council Tax bills) and spends it on a range of good works and staff salaries. It meets in public session – dates are on the calendar page of this website.
Members of the public may attend all Parish Council meetings which are held at Feckenham Village Hall. The public are not allowed to take part in these meetings unless they speak in response to questions from Councillors but there is always a fifteen-minute public forum at the start of the meeting where you can raise any matters you would like the Council to act or advise on.
You can contact the council at any time using the contact form on this site or you can call the Clerk on 01527 892522. Always contact the Clerk first – Jane is best placed to direct your query to the appropriate place or person.